Saturday, 21 January 2012

Swag Bucks

Swag Bucks has been one of the solutions to my money crunch. Swag Bucks essentially is a search engine, like Google, but it randomly awards for search results. Every once in a while you will earn Swag Bucks, which I use to buy Amazon gift cards. For Christmas I was able to fully buy two gifts from Amazon using my Swag Bucks, as well as a new watch for myself. I use it as fun money, because the best deal is to buy the Amazon gift cards, although they also offer many items in their Swag Store, as well as Paypal credit. But I usually redeem my Swag Bucks for $5 Amazon gift cards, which cost 450 Swag Bucks, making a Swag Buck worth a little over a penny each. This doesn't sound like much but when you search you win, at the very least 7 Swag Bucks, and I have won up to 59 Swag Bucks for a search. They also offer surveys, games, special offers, codes, videos and small tasks, all of which reward you with Swag Bucks.

If this is the first you are hearing of it, I assure you to look up other reviews, everybody I know loves it. My mom has gotten me hooked on it. Even if you only use the search engine, it is an easy way to get paid for something you needed to do anyway.

Search & Win

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